42° 43' 52.608" N
71° 10' 38.7732" W
Learn more about Lat/Long (including how to look them up by address)The EarthView team is excited to be at Tenney Grammar School in Methuen! We have heard you are studying all about the world in Geography class, specifically your focus on the continents of Asia, Africa and Europe. What geographical information have you learned about these continents?

Something you may not have learned about Europe is the recent discovery of fossils, dating back to the time of dinosaurs! A 9 year old girl has recently discovered a new species of pterosaur after taking a walk on the beach. Daisy Morris of England was walking along the Isle of Wight, and saw blackened bones sticking out of the sand. Daisy and her parents immediately brought the fossil to Martin Simpson who is a paleontologist at the University of Southampton. The fossils were examined and paleontologists came to the conclusion that it was a new species of Pterosaur. A pterosaur is a flying reptile that lived among the dinosaurs. The new species of pterosaur was named Vectidraco daisymorrisae, after its 9 year old finder. The Vectidraco daisymorrisae was said to be an expert flyer, living about 145 to 65 million years ago. The Pterosaur was only a foot long, similar to a crow. A new children’s story titled “Daisy and the Dragon” was written by Martin Simpson, shortly after the discovery.

Today is March 22nd which marks the 16th anniversary since the sighting of Comet Hale-Bopp!
Comet Hale- Bopp was a comet
discovered by Alan Hale and Thomas Bopp on July 23, 1995. The center of the
comet is estimated to be about 24 miles wide! Hale- Bopp comet set the record
for being visible on Earth for 18 months. Although it was visible for 18
months, 16 years ago today on March 22, 1997, Comet Hale- Bopp had its closest
approach to Earth! This comet is one of the brightest comets to reach the inner
solar system in history. The comet is currently just beyond the orbit of
Uranus, but it can still be seen by a telescope. This viewing of Hale- Bopp
comet is expected to last until 2020, and then will not return again until the
year 4534!

Another fact about today is that it is World Water Day!
How much water do YOU
usually use in one day? Did you take a shower? Brush your teeth? Flush the
toilet? Wash your hands? Eat food? Drink a water bottle?
Today is World Water Day! World Water Day was declared by the United Nations
General Assembly on March 22, 1993. In order to support World Water Day, people
are encouraged to not use their tap water throughout the entire day. The purpose
of Water Day is to spread public awareness and encourage water conservation is
everyday life. There are billions of people around the world without access to
safe drinking water. Many families have to walk far distances just to get a
glass of water to drink! Many people are celebrating with different events all
over the world, but this year’s official Water Convention will be held today in
South Holland hosted by the Government of The Netherlands. The theme for this
year’s celebration is ‘Water Cooperation’. For more information you can visit
How will YOU celebrate World Water Day?

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