70° 47' 40" W
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This week has been full of firsts for the EarthView team! On Wednesday, EarthView was to make its Dorchester debut at the Sarah Greenwood School with Dr. Hayes-Bohanan but there was unfortunately a slight problem with the fan and we had to reschedule. But we will hopefully be back to the school soon!!

Luckily, we have a back-up fan so we are back up and running for today's regular EarthView program at the Hobomock Elementary School in Pembroke! We are very excited as this is our first time visiting the school!
The Hobomock Elementary School in Pembroke has students from Kindergarten through 6th grade. Today, the students in 4th, 5th, and 6th grade will get to experience the EarthView program! The students in Kindegarten, 1st, and 2nd grade will get a glimpse of what EarthView has to offer.
Since it is our first visit to Pembroke, we thought that it would be nice to know some interesting historical facts about the town! Pembroke was once a part of its neighboring towns: Duxbury, Marshfield, and Scituate until Pembroke was established as a town in 1712. The area of the town is 23.48 square miles, 21.85 square miles of which is land.
The major industries in town were box manufacturing and shipbuilding. Cranberry bog farms have also been a major part of the town.
Because of these industries and the towns proximity to Boston (26 miles South), Pembroke experienced a significant population growth between the years 1930 and 2000. In 1930, the town had only 1,492 residents. By 2000, there were 16,927 residents! As of 2014, the town had 19,563 residents.
We are certainly excited to be visiting Pembroke today and hope that the students of Hobomock Elementary School enjoy their visit inside of EarthView!
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